Monday, April 13, 2020

TCC, Day 29: Covers

I don't really have anything to write about today. I worked, bought groceries, made dinner. The usual.

Trey and I are watching The Voice tonight. We don't normally watch it, but we have caught a few episodes this season because we ain't got nothing else to do.

Some girl on the show sang Kelly Clarkson's Piece by Piece. It wasn't great. I went into a rant about how Kelly Clarkson's slow songs might be songs that other people shouldn't try to sing. I'm not always a fan of her voice, but she owns songs like that.

I feel the same way about Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston. Only like five people in the world should sing their songs, and one of them is named Mariah and one of them is no longer with us.

Then a sixteen year old boy sang The Scientist. It was not a good choice for him. The song is so unique he would either end up being a bad comparison to the original or "making it his own" and, therefore, making it terrible. The latter was true. Poor kid.

I commented that probably no one should sing The Scientist except Coldplay.

Then I remembered that Willie Nelson covered it, and it was fantastic.

Then I decided that some people can sing whatever they darn well please, and this list includes Willie Nelson. As I continued making that list in my head, I added Johnny Cash because of his cover of Nine Inch Nails's Hurt.

That song reminded me of Not Ready to Make Nice by the Dixie Chicks and how I used some crazy contraption to capture the video for it from the interwebs to play it on the computer in my classroom as an introduction to The Scarlet Letter a very long time ago. It was before we had the capability to stream YouTube in classrooms, so I had to get creative. Teaching kids about books is the best job in the world.

Not Ready to Make Nice and Hurt came out four years apart. I wonder why one led my thoughts to the other. Perhaps the darkness of the videos? Brains are weird.

Basically I'm a back up judge on The Voice now.

I'll probably spend the rest of the evening googling "best covers" because we ain't got nothing else to do.

The end.

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