Oh yeah, wait a minute...I think I've got it...the problem is insanity!
That's right, Trey and I have lost our minds. But it wasn't on purpose. We lost our minds accidentally.
Here's why: What Tucker wants to do more than anything in the world is play football. College Station has a flag football league, but we couldn't figure out if he was old enough to play this fall. Next thing you know, it was the last day to sign up for t-ball which is Tucker's second activity of choice.
So we were faced with a terrible delimma. If we didn't sign him up for t-ball, and he wasn't old enough to play football, he gets nothing. Now, I understand that a five year old with no activities is not a tragic event. But we told Tucker he could play something. Frantically, Trey sped up to the t-ball sign up at the last possible minute and got him on a team.
Then we learned he's old enough for football. We signed him up like we said we would. And here, friends, is the evidence of the insanity.
Mondays at 6 - football game
Tuesdays at 6 - t-ball game
Wednesdays at 6 - football game
Thursdays at 6 - t-ball game
Fridays - tiger football
Saturdays - football games (Tucker's and the Aggies')
Seriously. He's five. I'm waiting for the invitation to Dr. Phil any minute. I am almost certain that my friends are making fun of me in their own blogs right now.
On the up side, tonight was his first football practice, so we all went. Tucker had even more fun than I imagined. He was laughing so hard and cheering on his teammates and running up and down the field and yelling "hike." He loved it.
Then there's Keaton - our little tagalong forgotten child. I told Trey I feel like Keaton's neglected, so I committed to getting Keaton involved in an activity he likes. (He really should be in gymnastics since he spends three quarters of his life standing on his head.) To allay my guilt I decided to ask him what he wanted to do:
Me: Keaton, do you want to go to gymnastics?
Keaton ponders thoughtfully for a moment, then: No.
Me: How about soccer? You might be old enough.
Keaton: Well....no.
Me: Do you want to go to choir at church? They have choir for boys your age.
Keaton: I think about it, Mommy.
Hmmm...then it hits me. We are not the parents who push Tucker. He is the kid who pushes us. We would be perfectly content to be at home every night, but that's not what Tucker wants. He wants constant sports involvement - while he was in the bath tonight he asked me to check his ranking on his fantasy football team, for crying out loud! Can you say obsessed?
So first I have for you Keaton's picture from football practice. This is the bouquet of grass that he picked and placed in the chair. Then he asked me to take his picture with it. He did this, of course, after taking the arms off of his firefighter (he took it to practice to play with) and replacing said arms with grass so that the firefighter was "full of grass arms!"

And here are some pictures of my baby at his very first football practice having the time of his life:

Yes. We're insane. If you need us, we'll be at the ball field.
Just think...he could be doing football, t-ball and ballet like Nathan did! hee hee
OMG Stormy what if Tucker has a football game the same time as an aggie game. What is Tucker going to do?
I don't know Tiffany! Today he has practice right before the Aggie game so we'll be a little late.
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