Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Things and Such

I was going to start off by saying I have a bad cold, but the truth is that it's just a normal cold and the only thing that makes it bad is that I have it. It's my back to school cold.

Keaton had his allergy testing done today. Turns out he is allergic to EVERYTHING! Well, everything except milk, which is what we thought he was allergic to. He showed a marked response to all trees, all grass, dogs, peanuts, and eggs. So we start allergy shots next week and we've sworn him off the peanut butter. Fun.

Tucker had t-ball practice tonight, which meant McDonalds for supper (because I'm good mom, that's why). The boys were playing more than eating, so I told Tucker he'd better hurry it up because he was first in the bath tonight. See, who goes first in the bath is a huge fight every night, so Trey made a schedule. This way we know who goes first by what day it is and there's no fight. Simple, right?

Wrong. Tucker kept arguing with me. He kept on and on and on that he went first yesterday and Tuesday is Keaton's day and blah blah blah. Finally, I put my foot down, "We are not speaking about this anymore. Tuesday is your day. The end."

My wonderful husband was trying to keep me from taping Tucker's little arguing mouth closed in a back-to-school-cold-driven stupor, so he pulled up the page where he wrote it down. He explained, "Here Tucker, I'll show you. I wrote it down so we wouldn't forget. See?"

Then Trey looked at me and I knew. I knew Tucker was right. Then Tucker - AKA "Rainman" - looked at me with that impish little grin of his. And I knew he knew he was right.

And I asked Trey if I could lock myself in our room until tomorrow.

Maybe it is a bad cold.

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