Monday, March 2, 2009

A Thought

If I had my own show on the travel channel, I wouldn't have to give the TAKS test.

That is all.


Anonymous said...

This could be a fun game! If I were a cabana-girl working at my own ocean-side bar in Mexico...I wouldn't have to give the TAKS test.

If I were a brilliant author, I wouldn't have to give the TAKS test.

If, if, if, if only...


StormyHickman said...

Oh, yes! I could be an excellent cabana girl! And the boys could learn Spanish. And Trey could tend bar and make margaritas all day in the sunshine.

And I wouldn't have to give the TAKS test!

Courtney S. said...

And you could sell your car and buy a dune buggy!