Could this be the picture of a future President?
Both of the boys were able to watch the inauguration of President Obama while they were at school. Tucker came home talking about how it was a very important day and that Obama was the first black president. He didn't seem too impressed by that little fact, which I perceive as a glimpse into where our future lies. To him, it was in no way unusual for a black man to be president, quite a contrast with those of other generations who watched in amazement, barely able to comprehend that this was possible.
Keaton also watched the inauguration. He was very excited about it, and he talked about it all the way home and all night during supper. He was a little confused about whether the President's name was Barack or Obama or Barackobama, but that didn't stop him from going on about it. He said, "When Barackobama was on the tv, Mr. Andre did this" and then he raised his hands in the air in a "gimme a what-what" kind of gesture.
Every time he hears the radio or tv say the President's name, he stops in his tracks. Then he says, "Hey! They said Obama!" and then laughs and laughs like he's in on some really funny joke on the tv or radio. This is usually followed by a little cheer - "O-Ba-Ma O-Ba-Ma"
I know he's only 3 1/2, but I hope he keeps some memory of this inauguration. Someday his grandson will be doing a report on Barack Obama and will ask him what he remembers about January 2009. I really want him to have some nugget of memory to share.
At dinner I asked the boys if one of them would want to be president some day. Of course, Tucker stopped to ponder the question. Keaton quickly replied, "YES!" Then Tucker wanted to be president, too (since Keaton did), and we talked about how they could be the first brothers to be president. Tucker offered that maybe he could be president and Keaton could be vice president.
Keaton had none of that. "No! I will be the president and YOU can be the ice president!"
That is fabulous! I love your boys and their perspective on life!
I just want to add that when they are the President and Ice President, they will be Republicans.
Yes, dear. They will be Republicans. At least Tucker will. That Keaton - you never can tell about him. ;)
Keaton might just be confused because his mother drives him around in her Prius
Kyle and I laughed at Trey's Prius joke. We've always said it is probably the only Prius in America with a McCain sticker.
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