Friday, January 23, 2009

Just another Friday night...

It was just another Friday night around the Hickman Hacienda. We played Guitar Hero, made pizzas for supper, played with toy tools, watched "Howie Do It" - just a night of hanging out with the fam.

When I was putting Keaton pajamas on, the shirt kind of got stuck on his head. He couldn't stop laughing about it, and he ran around the house in his underwear with the shirt on his head saying, "I'm the baker man!" Then he put on his pajamas without disturbing the new hat. He spent about the next hour making wheelchairs (that's what he said) out of plastic tools wearing his hospital gown, "Santa's reindeer pants" (his words), and his baker man hat. He must be working hard - look at that tongue hanging out!

And, of course, a posed one. The boy can't resist a great big "cheese" when he sees a camera.

Tucker must have played pretty hard today, because we looked over at him in the floor and found him like this. He looks like a grown man to me with his arms folded under his head, body all stretched out, feet crossed.

Just another wonderful Friday night!


StormyHickman said...

Wow! I just re-read this and found at least two comma errors. I must have been tired, too!

April said...

Tucker definitely has the old man thing going on there...especially if he was snoring!

That Keaton - what a character!