Thursday, June 19, 2008


The boys went to bed really late tonight - it was almost 9:30. Keaton asked (okay, he demanded) to watch High School Musical before bed, and I told him no. He started working up one of his very best fits - heavy breathing, clenched fists, a killer look on his face - so in my most soothing voice I said, "Keaton, no screaming. Calm down and use words."

After a moment or two he relaxed a little and took a deep breath. Then, very determined, he said, "If you let me watch High School Musical, I'll give you one of my quarters."

That's not exactly what I had in mind when I told him to use words.


emily bee said...


T. Rutherford said...

So did he get to watch the movie?

Anonymous said...

No, he did not get to watch the movie. And I didn't get the quarter. This was one occasion when being a mom didn't pay...