Saturday, March 20, 2010

My KeKe

This is the most adorable four year old on the planet (holding his first crawfish at his first crawfish boil at Aunt Carol and Uncle Mike's).

When he's mad, he's satan's little spawn, but when he's happy, he radiates joy to everyone lucky enough to be around him.

Spring break has made him pretty happy. He got to spend the first three days with his Grandma and Pop, and I think he's still giddy about it. When I talked to him on the phone Monday night, I asked what he had been doing all day. "Well, I just been farmin' and fishin' and bike ridin'." That's pretty much Keaton's perfect day.

There are two new calves at my parent's house, one male and one female. According to him, all the cows have names, but I'm pretty sure he's the only one who knows which cow is which. He thinks it's hysterical that he named the new baby cow "Bull Calf" instead of naming the bull calf "Bull Calf." It's especially funny when he confuses himself while trying to explain this hilarity to others.

The older boys all have bb guns, but poor little Keaton was gun-less. Nonetheless, there is a story that we keep hearing from Tucker and Keaton about Keaton borrowing Tucker's bb gun to shoot at a chicken. As Keaton tells it: "I didn't hurt that chicken, I just shot his feathers off." I'm not entirely certain that this actually happened, so it may be the fish tale of the trip. I do know he coaxed his Pop into letting him shoot the .22 pistol (with help and close supervision, of course).

Friday morning I took my little story teller to get his allergy shot, and there were three nurses doting over him (as usual). Out of the blue he announced "I got hurt!" Of course the nurses were concerned and asked what happened. Here's what they learned:

"Well, I was goin' into the woods to see that dead cow, and I got hurt on the wires of the fence. That bob wire just got me right on the back when I was crawlin' under it!"

I shook my head and told them I wished he was making this one up, but there really is a dead cow off in the woods, and the boys really did make several trips to check it out. Of course they took their bb guns in case they saw a bobcat.

(Tucker asked before they left, "Mom, do bb guns kill bobcats or just people?")

One of the nurses really got into Keaton's story, so she asked if there were bugs on the dead cow.

Keaton loves the opportunity to expand a story, so he told her all about it: "Well, there was ants all over that cow's skin. And we could see the meat the ants were eatin'. We couldn't see any bones yet, though. Nope, it didn't have any bones." All of this coincided with his elaborate hand motions, pantomiming looking at the cow and the ants crawling all over the dead carcass. It cracks me up the way his eyes light up when talking about a dead cow. Maybe I should be more concerned.

Besides storytelling, Keaton has many other skills. For one, he plays the guitar and the piano. One day as he banged away on the piano I asked if he'd like to take lessons. He rolled his eyes at me and responded, "I don't need lessons! I can already play. Didn't you just hear me?"

He also plays great tricks on others. As I washed my face tonight, he turned off the light, starting giggling, and shouted, "You can't see anymore! The Lucktricity is out!"

This kid is a wild mess, but he entertains me more than anyone in the whole world.

1 comment:

Judy Whatton said...

Oh geez! I'm scheduling reading your posts in my calendar because I think I just got the best ab workout laughing and I didn't even need to get off the couch!